Parliamentary resolution on the re-establishment of the Group
Parliamentary Resolution 25./2022 (June 22nd 2022)
on the Membership of the Hungarian National Assembly
in the Inter-Parliamentary Union*
1. The National Assembly hereby declares itself a Member of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (hereinafter referred to as the IPU) and establishes the Hungarian National Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (hereinafter referred to as National Group).
2. The National Assembly invites the Speaker to convene the constitutive session of the National Group’s General Meeting, and, following the consideration of the Parliamentary Groups’ views, submit a proposal to the General Meeting of the National Group for the National Group’s Statutes.
3. This Resolution shall enter into force upon its adoption.
László Kövér Speaker of the National Assembly |
Dávid Dócs Notary of the National Assembly |
Attila Gelencsér Notary of the National Assembly |
*The resolution was adopted at the sitting on 22 June 2022.