Closed scrutiny procedures 2022-2026


The Committee on Agriculture was requested to elaborate its opinion on the EU draft at the beginning of the procedure.

On its meeting of 13 March 2023, the Committee on European Affairs discussed the proposal. The key points of the proposal, the current state of play and the position of the government were highlighted by the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture.

The Committee on Agriculture discussed the above mentioned proposal on its meeting of 29 March 2023, where the opinion of the Committee was adopted.

On its meeting of 20 November 2023, the Committee on European Affairs discussed again the proposal. The key points of the proposal, the current state of play and the position of the government were highlighted by the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture. Then the Committee on European Affairs elaborated its standpoint pertaining to the proposal.

On its meeting of 26 February 2024, the Committee on European Affairs put the proposal on its agenda. The current issues related to the proposal were summarised by the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture. Then, in light of the withrawal of the proposal by the European Commission, the Committee on European Affairs decided to close the scrutiny procedure by virtue of Section 140. (11) of the Rules of Procedure.

The Committee on Culture was requested to elaborate its opinion on the EU draft at the beginning of the procedure.

The Committee on Culture discussed the above mentioned proposal on its meeting of 28 March 2023, where the opinion of the Committee was adopted.

On its meeting of 11 April 2023, the Committee on European Affairs discussed the proposal. The key points of the proposal, the current state of play and the position of the government were highlighted by the State Secretary of the Prime Minister's Cabinet Office.

The regulation has been adopted on 11 April 2024 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 17 April 2024, therefore the scrutiny procedure has been closed.

The Committee on Economics and the Committee on Sustainable Development were requested to elaborate their opinion on the EU draft at the beginning of the procedure.

On its meeting of 9 October 2023, the Committee on European Affairs discussed the proposal. The key points of the proposal, the current state of play and the position of the government were highlighted by the Deputy State Secretary of the Construction and Transport Ministry.

The regulation has been adopted on 24 April 2024 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 8 May 2024, therefore the scrutiny procedure has been closed.

The Committee on Economics was requested to elaborate its opinion on the EU draft at the beginning of the procedure.

On its meeting of 9 October 2023, the Committee on European Affairs discussed the proposal. The key points of the proposal, the current state of play and the position of the government were highlighted by the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry for Economic Development.

The regulation has been adopted on 11 April 2024 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 3 May 2024, therefore the scrutiny procedure has been closed.

In the 2018-2022 parliamentary term, the Committee on European Affairs decided to launch scrutiny procedure on the proposals on its meeting of 19 October 2020. The Committee on Defence and Law Enforcement was requested to elaborate its opinion which was adopted on 25 November 2020. The Committee on European Affars has discussed the proposals on the meetings of 16 November 2020, 14 June 2021 and 13 December 2021, where the key points of the proposals as well as the government's position were highlighted by the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior.

Regarding the aforementionned proposals, the scrutiny procedure has been closed on 2 May 2022 upon termination of the mandate of the National Assembly by virtue of Section 68. b) of the Act XXXVI of 2012 on the National Assembly.

The Committee on European Affairs has decided to relaunch the srutiny procedures with regard to the aforementionned proposals on its meeting of 8 November 2022.

The Committee on Defence and Law Enforcement was requested to elaborate its opinion on the EU drafts.

The Committee on Defence and Law Enforcement discussed the above mentioned proposals on its meeting of 19 April 2023, where the opinion of the Committee was adopted.

On its meeting of 2 May 2023, the Committee on European Affairs discussed the proposals. The key points of the proposals, the current state of play and the position of the government were highlighted by the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior.

On its meeting of 12 June 2023, the Committee on European Affairs elaborated its standpoint pertaining to proposal [COM (2020) 610; 2020/0279 (COD)].

The regulations have been adopted on 14 May 2024 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 22 May 2024, therefore the scrutiny procedures have been closed.

 The Committee on Economics was requested to elaborate its opinion on the EU draft at the beginning of the procedure.

On its meeting of 25 September 2023, the Committee on European Affairs discussed the proposal. The key points of the proposal, the current state of play and the position of the government were highlighted by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy.

The Committee on Economics discussed the above mentioned proposal on its meeting of 28 November 2023, where the opinion of the Committee was adopted.

The regulation has been adopted on 11 April 2024 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 17 April 2024, therefore the scrutiny procedure has been closed.

The Committee on Economics was requested to elaborate its opinion on the EU draft at the beginning of the procedure.

On its meeting of 9 October 2023, the Committee on European Affairs discussed the proposal. The key points of the proposal, the current state of play and the position of the government were highlighted by the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry for Economic Development.

The regulation has been adopted on 13 June 2024 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 28 June 2024, therefore the scrutiny procedure has been closed.

​​​​​The Committee on Social Welfare was requested to elaborate its opinion on the EU draft at the beginning of the procedure.

On its meeting of 16 October 2023, the Committee on European Affairs discussed the proposal. The key points of the proposal, the current state of play and the position of the government were highlighted by the Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Interior.

The Committee on Social Welfare discussed the above mentioned proposal on its meeting of 28 November 2023, where the opinion of the Committee was adopted.

The regulation has been adopted on 13 June 2024 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 17 July 2024, therefore the scrutiny procedure has been closed.

The Committee on Economics was requested to elaborate its opinion on the EU draft at the beginning of the procedure.

On its meeting of 25 September 2023, the Committee on European Affairs discussed the proposal. The key points of the proposal, the current state of play and the position of the government were highlighted by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Energy.

The Committee on Economics discussed the above mentioned proposal on its meeting of 28 November 2023, where the opinion of the Committee was adopted.

The regulation has been adopted on 13 June 2024 and published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 26 June 2024, therefore the scrutiny procedure has been closed.