Category-winner wineries

Bikavér - Schieber Winery

Schieber Winery was founded in 2010 by Markus Schieber and his wife, Anita Schieber. The estate consists of 54 hectares of land in the Baranya-völgy and on the Görögszó vineyard, marked by excellent geographical and pedological qualities, which are not only beautiful but also among the most valuable areas of the wine region. In 2018, a shift to organic farming was introduced in the vineyards with resistant grape varieties being planted, and now organic farming extends to the plantations on Tabu-hegy. The owners believe that the way of the future is to protect natural values and produce wines that demonstrate the uniqueness and beauty of this wine region: the Szekszárd terroir. They believe in local varieties, but in addition to kékfrankos and kadarka, they now have significant areas where international red and white varieties are grown.

Category-winner wine: Trilógia Bikavér 2021

Our Bikavér is a blend of kékfrankos, kadarka, cabernet sauvignon and merlot grape varieties, harvested every year on the excellent vineyards of Baranya-völgy and aged for a year in second- and third-fill seguin moreau barrels. What we believe to be the most important is that wine should be all about the fruit, grapes and the Szekszárd terroir – the barrel only ever provides the framework for the experience.